Consumer Protection Programs (2020)

  1. Consumer Protection Compliance Program

LANDBANK maintains and regularly updates its Consumer Protection Compliance Program to reinforce control over business risks and ensure adherence of the Bank to laws and regulations. 

  1. Consumer Protection Internal Audit Program

Adherence to consumer protection laws, internal policies and guidelines shall coincide with IAG's regular audit schedule for the Bank. Results and recommendations for improvement shall be presented to the ACCom for notation and further instruction.

During the community quarantine in 2020, operational audits were conducted via remote to selected field units to minimize personal contacts while doing regular functions without compromising health and safety of auditor and auditees.

  1. Consumer Protection Training Program

To ensure that LANDBANK personnel are equipped with appropriate knowledge and skills to respond to the dynamic needs of the Bank’s financial consumers, ODD takes the lead in undertaking training initiatives and in determining the competency interventions they require.

The alternative work arrangements implemented in 2020 due to the pandemic did not hinder the Bank from fulfilling its thrust of continuously developing and nurturing its human resource. LANDBANK’s electronic Learning Access Portal (LEAP) and Cisco Webex served as the main learning platform for employees.