CSR Programs


CSR Statement

LANDBANK's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Statement

LANDBANK’s Corporate Social Responsibility embodies its commitment to the institution’s social mandate with programs and activities that contribute to a better, safer and more progressive society, redounding to an improved quality of life for people of the present and future generations.

As a major catalyst in countryside development, our operations are anchored on the five (5) Sustainability Cornerstones of LANDBANK—(1) Enterprise Development, (2) Community Development, (3) Environmental Protection and Management, (4) Customer Service and (5) Employee Development—on which we continue to build and align our sustainability efforts that uphold the principles of responsible corporate citizenship.

These principles are aligned with the “Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and Financial Services Sector Supplement” of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI):

Engaging Stakeholders in Environmental Responsibility

LANDBANK commits to innovative products and services that allow the Bank and our clients to fulfil our sustainability and environmental protection goals in business lines, lower our carbon footprint, and promote ecological enhancement. Our Corporate Environmental Policy reiterates the incorporation of environmental management practices in all our operations, services and decisions.  

Our Environmental Policy on Credit Delivery ensures that all financed projects are environmentally sound and compliant with all environmental laws, while our Green Procurement good practices serve as the Bank’s supplemental guide in setting standards in evaluating products and services.

Improving Lives Across the Nation

In line with our vision of being the dominant financial institution in countryside development, LANDBANK continues to fuel economic activity in the rural areas by supporting mandated clients and priority sectors, spurring economic growth in rural and agricultural areas as the chief provider of financial and technical assistance.

We retain our leadership by sustaining excellent customer service through our efficient and cost-effective service operations, our maintenance of a substantial portion in our loan portfolio for priority sectors, and our continuing support to development assistance programs of the national government.

Banking on a Healthy Environment

Inherently integrated in LANDBANK’s mandate and company culture, our sustainability efforts are embedded in our mission to deliver innovative products and services that are consonant with ecological enhancement while effectively addressing our clients’ needs. Our various environmental programs are geared toward the protection of natural resources, energy conservation and proper waste management, among others.

The environmental sustainability strategy of LANDBANK is founded on three goals: (1) To evaluate and manage our environmental footprint in our daily operations; (2) To deliver products and services that are ecologically sound and compliant with applicable environmental laws; and (3) To support climate change mitigation and adaptation undertakings.

Nurturing our Most Important Resource

LANDBANK provides for the professional development and care of our human capital. We encourage growth by providing capability-building programs and granting every employee access to fair and equal opportunities for training and development.

We safeguard occupational health and safety through full compliance with relevant standards.

Championing Human Rights in the Quest for Prosperity

We champion human rights by performing our duties and responsibilities with full courtesy and respect, without prejudice to race, religion, regional or ethnic origin, gender or political affiliation. We prioritize the protection of human life within and outside of our organization.

We protect our people through the administration of adequate security coverage for the Bank’s personnel and clientele against unlawful acts, harm, damage, loss, and compromise. We practice non-discrimination in hiring and granting professional advancement opportunities and uphold the rights of our employees to associate with and participate in a public sector union.

Promoting Social Justice and Sustainable Development

We have established a well-defined governance structure consistent and compliant with all government policies and applicable laws, with current corporate governance rules and regulations, and with globally-accepted standards and principles of good governance.

We adhere strictly to civil service rules, and address and mitigate corruption through the implementation of rules on administrative cases, a strict implementation of the Code of Conduct for Public Officials and Employees, and adherence to the provisions of anti-corruption laws. We also expect all our employees to comply strictly with our Code of Ethics.

Serving Customers with Excellence and Integrity

LANDBANK ensures excellence in customer service through full disclosure of the features, terms and conditions of our products and services that complies with all laws and rules of government regulatory bodies. We provide timely financial and technical support for our mandated clients and make pertinent product and service information easily available to them.

As a financial institution, we make sure that compliance testing is an established procedure that ensures the management of pertinent risks and compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. We enhance customer service and reinforce the culture of quality, excellence and continued improvement by institutionalizing and adopting Quality Management Systems (QMS) in our banking processes.

We strictly adhere to the requirements of the Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA) to improve efficiency in the delivery of services to the public by reducing bureaucratic red tape and preventing graft and corruption. All LANDBANK personnel are guided by the principles of professionalism and integrity, and abide by the Code of Conduct for Employees and ARTA.

Want to know more?

Click here to know more about the past CSR programs of LANDBANK

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