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Bangko Sentral Registration Document (BSRD)

LANDBANK, as an Authorized Agent Bank, can now issue a BSRD document to non-resident investors.

A non-resident investor planning to purchase foreign exchange (FX) from the Philippine banking system for repatriation and remittance of earnings of duly registered investments is required to obtain a Bangko Sentral Registration Document (BSRD).

The BSRD is a document issued by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) evidencing the registration of foreign investments of non-residents. The BSRD contains the list of onshore investments by the non- resident investor and enables him to access the FX resources or purchase FX from Authorized Agent Banks (AABs) or forex corps against Philippine Pesos for servicing/settlement of these transactions.

The issuance of the BSRD has been delegated by the BSP to registering AABs.

List of Instruments/Investments that can be registered with Land Bank of the Philippines


  • Debt securities issued onshore by the National Government and other public sector entities
  • Equity securities issued onshore by residents that are listed at an onshore exchange (e.g., PSE)
  • Debt securities issued onshore by private sector residents that are not listed at an onshore exchange and not covered by the provisions of Part Three, Chapter I of the FX Manual (Loans and Guarantees)
  • Exchange-Traded Funds issued/created onshore by residents.
  • Philippine Depositary Receipts (PDRs) that are listed at an onshore exchange
  • Peso time deposits with an AAB with a maturity of at least 90 days
  • Equity securities issued onshore or offshore by non-residents that are listed at an onshore exchange
  • Debt securities issued onshore by non-residents that are listed at an onshore exchange
  • Instruments  under  Section  37.2(a-h)  used  as  collateral  involving  the  transfer  of  legal/beneficial ownership of the collateral to the non-resident investor

Learn more about TBG's Bangko Sentral Registration Document (BSRD)

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