UCPB Subsidiaries

Know more about UCPB's Subsidiaries

UCPB Leasing and Finance Corporation

UCPB Leasing and Finance Corporation LogoKristine Marie G. Cuevas

Contact Number: 02-888159842

Office address:
14th Floor SyCip Law Center
#105 Paseo De Roxas St. 
Brgy. San Lorenzo, Makati City 
Metro Manila, Philippines 1226 

I. Corporate Profile
   A. ULFC Background
   B. Mission / Vision / Corporate Values

II. Products and Services 
    A. ULFC Products
    B. Citizen's Charter
March 2022   I   2023 1st Edition  I 2024 1st Edition
    C. Certificate of Compliance
2021   I   2022   I   2023

III. Board of Directors
     A. Members and Profile
     B. Attendance to Board Meetings:  2023  I  2022
     C. Report on Salaries and Allowances (ROSA)
           i. Per Diem:  2023  I  2022
          ii. RATA:        2023  I  2022

     D. List of Trainings: 2023

IV. Board Committees
     A. Executive Committee
              Members and Profile
     B. Audit Committee
          i.  Members and Profile
         ii.  Audit Committee Charter       
        iii.  Meetings and Attendance:  2023  I  2022
        iv.  Accomplishments:  2023  I  2022

V. Management Committees
     A. ULFC Management Committee
     B. Committee on Anti-Red Tape Office Order

         (CART) Directory

VI. Table of Organization
     A. Table of Organization
     B. 2022 LBP Trainings

VII. Corporate Social Responsibility
     A. Sustainable Development
     B. Gender and Development
          - GAD Activities/Seminars

VIII. Financials
     A. Annual Audit Report
         2022 (released on 27 Jun 2023 and uploaded on 25 Aug 2023)
         2021   I   2020   I   2019   I   2018   I   2017 

     B. Trial Balance:  
         2023:  Q1  I  Q2  I  Q3 
         2022:  Q4 

     C. Quarterly Reports
          2022: Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4

     D. Corporate Operating Budget:  2023  I  2021-2022
     E. Material Risk Factors and Measures to address them

IX. Borrowings
     A. Local and Foreign Borrowings: 2023  I  2022
     B. Govt. Subsidies and Net Lending - NONE
     C. Borrowings Guaranteed by Government - NONE

X. Corporate Governance
    A. Freedom of Information
         i. One-pager
        ii. Guidelines

    B. No Gift Policy

    C. Whistle Blowing Policy
         In compliance with the Revised Whistleblowing Policy (GCG MC No. 2016-02),
         you may visit the GCG whistleblowing web portal here.

     D.   Performance Evaluation System / Scorecard:  2024  I  2023  I  2022
     E.  Corporate Governance Manual & Corporate Governance Certification
     F.  General Information Sheet (GIS)
     G.  Government Corporation Information Sheet (GCIS)
     H.  Articles of Incorporation
     I.  By-Laws

     J. Financial Consumer Protection – Customer Welfare
          i. Consumer Protection  / Data Privacy
         ii. Customer Feedback Form

     K. Bawal and Red Tape

XI. Procurement Plans / Reports
      A. Annual Procurement Plan:  2023  I  2022  I  2021
      B. Procurement Monitoring Report:  2023  I  2022  I  2021